So... Where were we? #ERCPeopleAndWriting
Wondering what I“ve been up to and what”s going on in the ERC PeopleAndWriting project?
A few days ago, at the 22nd Colloquium of the Comité international de paléographie latine, some very nice people who use this website (thank you!) reminded me of this blog and I realised some others might have been wondering where was I since the last post was over a year ago (!). So, I thought about writing this post to remind you I am still here, still working and writing, BUT moved to the ERC-project“s blog (at since it felt silly to write in both places at the same time.
Here you can see what we (the project”s team) have been doing, continue reading our posts and share some of the many uncertainties on pragmatic literacy we are facing. Do let us know your suggestions!
- What do we mean when we say ‘lay charter’? (Nov“21)
- Ranildi and Itilo”s quarrel (Jan“22)
- The villa of Gomeán: a family matter (Feb”22)
- A house for a sow (Mar“22)
- The daily life in the world of writing (Apr”22)
- Family business (May“22)
- Places and People of Chamoso from 10th to 11th centuries (Sep”22)