Mozarabic Liturgy (soon)
- The question of a proper name: “Liturgia Hispano-Mozarabica” Mozarabic Liturgy, Visigothic, Liturgy, The Ancient Liturgy of Spain (TALoS)
- Main Characteristics
- Tradition A and Tradition B
- History of the Liturgy
- Spanish councils and liturgical legislation
- Abolition of the liturgy and introduction of the Roman rite
- The resistance to the Roman rite
- Orthodoxy of the liturgy
- Cisneros restauration
- The role of Ortiz
- The Mozarabic Liturgy used today in The Roman Catholic Church
- The Liturgy of IERE (Iglesia Española Reformada Episcopal) Anglican Communion
- Liturgical Books
- Manuscripts and fragments
- Liturgical Chant and its challenges
- Chants and Music
- Musical notation and the Paleographic Problem
- The Eucharist
- The liturgical year
- The celebration of Advent
- Christmas according to St. Isidore
- Lenten Celebration
- Holy Week
- Feasts of the Saints
- The celebration of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God
- The Office
- The Liber Psalmographus
- Celebration of the Sacraments (Christian initiation, Marriage, Holy Orders)
- Other rites (Reconciliation of a Penitent, Ministration to the Sick, Funeral and Burial)
- Euchology
- Structure of the prayers
- The text of Antiphons and Liturgical chants