
Littera Visigothica at the London International Palaeography Summer School

I am teaching a course on Spanish Paleography (“Introduction to Medieval Spanish Palaeography. 8th-15th centuries”) this Summer!

You might remember that last year I offered a full-day course on Visigothic script at the London International Palaeography Summer School (more here). Well, this year I have been invited to participate again, and it will be even better for I will teach a full-day course on Medieval Spanish Palaeography! The date, Friday 16th of June 2017Applications will open in January 2017. All welcome!


Introduction to Medieval Spanish Palaeography (8th-15th centuries)

Dr Ainoa Castro Correa (King’s College London)
Full day – from 10.00 to 17.00
Maximum: 15 students
Venue: Senate House

During the Middle Ages Iberian Peninsular written production was marked by graphic change: from national written systems to European ones, and back to graphic particularism. This process was neither received nor developed in the same way throughout the Iberian soil, consequently highlighting not only the cultural diversity that characterises medieval Spain but also the particular configuration of its kingdoms. In this course, students will gain knowledge about the traditional Iberian script, Visigothic, to then move forward to the specifics of the Spanish Caroline minuscule, and to the Spanish Gothic scripts, both dissimilar to the graphic models practised in Europe.

This course is open to everyone interested in medieval manuscript production with a focus on the Iberian Peninsula’s manuscript material. Its main aim is to familiarise the participants with the graphic particularism experienced in medieval Spain in comparison with Europe. No previous experience is required. However, since the course involves some practical exercises, students with at least a basic training in palaeography will particularly benefit from the course. A basic knowledge of Latin and Spanish would be useful but is not essential.


  • J. Alturo Perucho, A. Castro Correa and M. Torras Cortina (eds.), La escritura visigótica en la Península Ibérica. Nuevas aportaciones (Bellaterra, 2012).
  • Mª J. Azevedo Santos, Da visigótica à carolina, a escrita em Portugal de 882 a 1172 (Lisbon, 1994).
  • M. C. Díaz y Díaz et al., Corpus de códices visigóticos (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1999).
  • A. Millares Carlo, Tratado de paleografía española (Madrid, 1983).
  • I. Velázquez Soriano, Documentos de época visigoda escritos en pizarra (Turnhout, 2000)


Hope to see you there!!

by A. Castro

[edited 13/07/2018]

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