LitteraVisigothica en el Congreso Internacional de Leeds 2016?
IMC Leeds 2016 – Call for Papers - Session: The reception and evolution of Caroline minuscule in the Iberian Peninsula.
International Medieval Congress 2016
University of Leeds, 4–7 July 2016
Call for Papers
De la escritura visigótica a la carolina, y de la carolina a las escrituras góticas.
La recepción y evolución de la escritura carolina en la Península Ibérica.
From Visigothic script to Caroline minuscule, from Caroline minuscule to Gothic scripts.
The reception and evolution of Caroline minuscule in the Iberian Peninsula.
Sponsor: Network for the Study of Caroline Minuscule
Organiser: Ainoa Castro Correa, Faculty of History, King’s College London
Mientras que en la Europa del siglo XII la carolina era el principal sistema gráfico empleado en la producción manuscrita, en la mayor parte de la Península Ibérica esta escritura apenas comenzaba a ser usada. La pervivencia de la escritura tradicional peninsular, la visigótica, dio lugar a un largo y desigual período de transición hacia el nuevo sistema gráfico importado. Al mismo tiempo, una vez aceptado el cambio, el modelo gráfico de éste ya llegaba en gran parte desprovisto de su naturaleza evolucionando de forma rápida hacia una diversidad de escrituras proto-góticas que devolverán a la Península su particularidad gráfica. Con trabajos centrados en escribas desarrollando su carrera en períodos de transición, esta sesión pretende explorar los contextos de cambio y poligrafismo vividos en la Península Ibérica en los siglos XII y XIII.
While in 12th-century Europe Caroline minuscule was the main writing system used in manuscript production, in most of the Iberian Peninsula this script was just beginning to be used. The persistence of the traditional peninsular script, Visigothic, led to a long and unequal transitional phase towards the new imported graphic system. At the same time, once the change was accepted, its graphic model arrived lacking its essential nature evolving thus quickly to a variety of proto-Gothic scripts which gave back to the Peninsula its graphic particularity. With works on scribes developing their careers in the periods in between writing systems, this session aims to explore the contexts of graphic change and polygraphism lived in the Iberian Peninsula in the 12th and 13th centuries.
The organizer would like to invite papers on Caroline minuscule; its process of introduction, implementation, and evolution in the Iberian Peninsula. Please submit proposals which fit the overall topic of the session via email to Ainoa Castro by September 27, 2015 and please include the following information:
- paper title and short abstract (ca. 100 words)
- name, contact details and affiliation
- a short CV
- equipment needed
Papers are accepted in English, Spanish and Portuguese and should not exceed 20 minutes. Feel free to contact the organiser if you have any questions.
by A. Castro
[edited 13/07/2018]