
Imagen Palaeography



  • Palaeographical transcription (soon)
  • Palaeographical method [here]
  • Palaeography in the 21st century: on History of Written Culture [one] [two] [three]

Digital Palaeography: VisigothicPal

VisigothicPal is a resource for the study of Visigothic script and its manuscript sources. It is the digital counterpart of the project ViGOTHIC which aims to facilitate the study of this script, to make the scientific community aware of the needs and possibilities of conducting research based on Visigothic script sources, and to disseminate the research already carried out or in progress. VisigothicPal and ViGOTHIC intend to open the study of Visigothic script to everyone interested in Manuscript Studies. The project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie research and innovation programme (2015-2017), and it is based at King’s College London.

You can learn more about the VisigothicPal project in the following posts:

Si quieres aprender a usar el software DigiPal, puedes leer la siguiente guia:

Visigothic script

  • Visigothic script. Definition [here]
  • Visigothic script. The name [here]
  • Typological variants of Visigothic script [part one] [part two]
  • Polygraphism [here]
  • Historiography: studying Visigothic script during the Enlightenment [here]
  • The genetic origin of Visigothic script. Finding an archetype [intro] (more soon)
  • The chronological origin of Visigothic script. From when can we talk about Visigothic script? (soon)
  • The geographical origin of Visigothic script. Where does it come from? (soon)
  • First examples of Visigothic script. Codices and charters [catalogue] (more soon)
  • Visigothic script abbreviations and their evolution: [origin] [medieval period] [Visigothic script]
  • Visigothic script punctuation and its evolution [here]
  • Orthography of Visigothic script texts (soon)
  • Regional variants of Visigothic script I (areas) (soon)
  • Regional variants of Visigothic script II (evolution by areas) (soon)
  • Decay I. Visigothic script in transition to Caroline minuscule [context I] [context II] [graphic influence]
  • Decay II. Caroline minuscule with Visigothic script features (soon)

Visigothic script workshop

This page provides the material I used for the workshop on Visigothic script I taught at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies – University of Toronto, Centre for Medieval Studies in the spring of 2014. Feel free to use it for your own teaching or research if you want but please acknowledge the source. If you would like to see this workshop being made at your institution, do not hesitate to contact me.

[update July, 2018: I will upload a new set of more updated materials soon]

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